Docker Script
MLCFlow enables an MLC script to be run inside a docker container, enhancing reproducibility by maintaining a consistent execution environment.
Syntax Variations
An MLCFlow script can be executed inside a Docker container using either of the following syntaxes:
- Docker Run:
mlc docker run --tags=<script tags> <run flags>
(e.g.,mlc docker run --tags=detect,os --docker_dt --docker_cache=no
) - Docker Script:
mlc docker script --tags=<script tags> <run flags>
(e.g.,mlc docker script --tags=detect,os --docker_dt --docker_cache=no
Flags Available
:- Runs the specified script inside a Docker container in detached mode (e.g., `mlc docker run --tags=detect,os --docker_dt).
- By default, the Docker container is launched in interactive mode.
:- Disabling the use of the Docker cache will force Docker to build all layers from scratch, ignoring previously cached layers (e.g.,
mlc docker run --tags=detect,os --docker_cache=no
) - By default, the value is set to true/yes.
- Disabling the use of the Docker cache will force Docker to build all layers from scratch, ignoring previously cached layers (e.g.,
:- Enabling this flag will rebuild the Docker container even if there are existing containers with the same tag. (e.g.,
mlc docker run --tags=detect,os --docker_rebuild
) - By default, the value is set to False.
- Enabling this flag will rebuild the Docker container even if there are existing containers with the same tag. (e.g.,
:- Enabling this flag will recreate the Dockerfile on Docker run (e.g.,
mlc docker run --tags=detect,os --docker_rebuild --dockerfile_recreate
) - By default, the value is set to False.
- Enabling this flag will recreate the Dockerfile on Docker run (e.g.,
For more information about the Docker configuration inside the meta.yaml
file, please visit the Script Meta page.