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Script Meta

This page provides a walkthrough of the meta.yaml file.

Important Keys and Data Types

  • alias (string)
    Alias of the script, which can be used instead of tags when running a script.

  • uid (string)
    Unique identifier for individual scripts. Can be used instead of tags when running a script.

  • automation_alias (string)
    Alias specific to script automation.

  • automation_uid (string)
    Unique identifier for script automation.

  • category (string)
    Defines the script category.

  • tags (list of strings)
    List of tags users can specify to run the script.

  • default_env (dictionary with string values)
    Contains key-value pairs representing environment variables and their default values for a script. These default values are overridden if the same environment variable is set in script files or inherited from a parent script.

  • env (dictionary with string values)
    Defines environment variables and their corresponding values.

  • input_mapping (dictionary with string values)
    Maps input flags related to a script to corresponding environment variables. Only keys specified under input_mapping in meta.yaml are mapped to environment variables.

  • env_key_mapping (dictionary with string values)
    Maps one environment key to another just for the run script execution.

  • new_env_keys (list of strings)
    Specifies environment keys that should be passed to a parent script if this script is used as a dependency.

  • new_state_keys (list of strings)
    Specifies state keys that should be passed to a parent script when used as a dependency.

  • add_deps_recursive (dictionary)
    Customizes recursive dependencies with nested tags and other attributes.


Dependencies in a script are specified as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary can contain:

  • tags
    Comma-separated list of tags to identify a dependent script.

  • names (list of strings)
    Identifiers for dependencies, allowing users to modify the dependency execution when needed.

  • enable_if_env (dictionary with list of strings values)
    Specifies conditions under which a dependency is enabled based on environment variables. The conditions are ANDed.

  • enable_if_any_env (dictionary with list of strings values)
    Specifies conditions under which a dependency is enabled based on environment variables. The conditions are ORed.

  • skip_if_env (dictionary with list of strings values)
    Specifies conditions under which a dependency should be skipped. The conditions are ANDed.

  • skip_if_any_env (dictionary with list of strings values)
    Specifies conditions under which a dependency should be skipped. The conditions are ORed.

Any other script meta keys can also be included, which will be passed to the dependent script.

Types of Dependencies

In MLC scripts, there are four types of dependencies:

  1. deps
    Executes after processing the script meta, but before the preprocess function.

  2. prehook_deps
    Executes after the preprocess function, but before the run script.

  3. posthook_deps
    Executes after the run script, but before the postprocess function.

  4. post_deps
    Executes after the postprocess function.

For more details on script execution flow, see Script Execution Flow.

Variation Configuration

  • variations (dictionary)
    Contains script variations, including attributes like alias, default_variations, and group.

  • group (string)
    Specifies the script variation group.

    • A maximum of one variation from a given group can be selected during script invocation.
    • If default: true is set for a variation in a group, that variation is turned on by default, unless another variation is specified during script invocation.
  • default_variations (dictionary with string values)
    Specifies default variations for the script.

Docker Configuration

The docker key contains Docker-specific configurations:

  • base_image (string)
    Base Docker image.

  • image_name (string)
    Docker image name.

  • os (string)
    Operating system.

  • os_version (string)
    OS version.

  • deps (list of dictionaries)
    Specifies dependencies required in Docker.

  • env (dictionary with string values)
    Defines environment variables inside the container.

  • interactive (boolean)
    Indicates if the container should be interactive.

  • extra_run_args (string)
    Additional arguments for docker run.

  • mounts (list of strings)
    Specifies mount paths in the format "source:destination".

  • pre_run_cmds (list of strings)
    Commands to execute before starting the container.

  • docker_input_mapping (dictionary with string values)
    Maps input parameters to Docker environment variables.

  • use_host_user_id (boolean)
    Uses the host's user ID inside the container.

  • use_host_group_id (boolean)
    Uses the host's group ID inside the container.

  • skip_run_cmd (string)
    Command to skip execution.

  • shm_size (string)
    Defines shared memory size.

  • real_run (boolean)

    • true: The container runs the MLC script.
    • false: Only the dependencies are executed.
  • all_gpus (string)
    Use all available GPUs.