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For any DL pipeline, the following flow needs to be performed:

  1. Data preparation
  2. Split data into training, validation, and testing
  3. Customize the training parameters

A detailed data flow diagram is presented in this link.

GaNDLF addresses all of these, and the information is divided as described in the following sections.


Please follow the installation instructions to install GaNDLF. When the installation is complete, you should end up with the shell that looks like the following, which indicates that the GaNDLF virtual environment has been activated:

(venv_gandlf) $> ### subsequent commands go here

Preparing the Data

Anonymize Data

A major reason why one would want to anonymize data is to ensure that trained models do not inadvertently encode protected health information [1,2]. GaNDLF can anonymize one or multiple images using the gandlf anonymizer command as follows:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf anonymizer
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -c ./samples/config_anonymizer.yaml \ # anonymizer configuration - needs to be a valid YAML (check syntax using
  -i ./input_dir_or_file \ # input directory containing series of images to anonymize or a single image
  -o ./output_dir_or_file # output directory to save anonymized images or a single output image file (for a DICOM to NIfTi conversion specify a .nii.gz file)

Cleanup/Harmonize/Curate Data

It is highly recommended that the dataset you want to train/infer on has been harmonized. The following requirements should be considered:

  • Registration
    • Within-modality co-registration [1, 2, 3].
    • OPTIONAL: Registration of all datasets to patient atlas, if applicable [1, 2, 3].
  • Intensity harmonization: Same intensity profile, i.e., normalization [4, 5, 6, 7]. GaNDLF offers multiple options for intensity normalization, including Z-scoring, Min-Max scaling, and Histogram matching.
  • Resolution harmonization: Ensures that the images have similar physical definitions (i.e., voxel/pixel size/resolution/spacing). An illustration of the impact of voxel size/resolution/spacing can be found here, and it is encourage to read this article to added context on how this issue impacts a deep learning pipeline. This functionality is available via GaNDLF's preprocessing module.

Recommended tools for tackling all aforementioned curation and annotation tasks: - Cancer Imaging Phenomics Toolkit (CaPTk) - Federated Tumor Segmentation (FeTS) Front End - 3D Slicer - ITK-SNAP

Offline Patch Extraction (for histology images only)

GaNDLF can be used to convert a Whole Slide Image (WSI) with or without a corresponding label map to patches/tiles using GaNDLF’s integrated patch miner, which would need the following files:

  1. A configuration file that dictates how the patches/tiles will be extracted. A sample configuration to extract patches is presented here. The options that the can be defined in the configuration are as follows:
    • patch_size: defines the size of the patches to extract, should be a tuple type of integers (e.g., [256,256]) or a string containing patch size in microns (e.g., [100m,100m]). This parameter always needs to be specified.
    • scale: scale at which operations such as tissue mask calculation happens; defaults to 16.
    • num_patches: defines the number of patches to extract, use -1 to mine until exhaustion; defaults to -1.
    • value_map: mapping RGB values in label image to integer values for training; defaults to None.
    • read_type: either random or sequential (latter is more efficient); defaults to random.
    • overlap_factor: Portion of patches that are allowed to overlap (0->1); defaults to 0.0.
    • num_workers: number of workers to use for patch extraction (note that this does not scale according to the number of threads available on your machine); defaults to 1.
  2. A CSV file with the following columns:
    • SubjectID: the ID of the subject for the WSI
    • Channel_0: the full path to the WSI file which will be used to extract patches
    • Label: (optional) full path to the label map file

Once these files are present, the patch miner can be run using the following command:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf patch-miner \ 
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -c ./exp_patchMiner/config.yaml \ # patch extraction configuration - needs to be a valid YAML (check syntax using
  -i ./exp_patchMiner/input.csv \ # data in CSV format 
  -o ./exp_patchMiner/output_dir/ # output directory

Running preprocessing before training/inference (optional)

Running preprocessing before training/inference is optional, but recommended. It will significantly reduce the computational footprint during training/inference at the expense of larger storage requirements. Use the following command, which will save the processed data in ./experiment_0/output_dir/ with a new data CSV and the corresponding model configuration:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf preprocess \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -c ./experiment_0/model.yaml \ # model configuration - needs to be a valid YAML (check syntax using
  -i ./experiment_0/train.csv \ # data in CSV format 
  -o ./experiment_0/output_dir/ # output directory

Constructing the Data CSV

This application can leverage multiple channels/modalities for training while using a multi-class segmentation file. The expected format is shown as an example in samples/sample_train.csv and needs to be structured with the following header format (which shows a CSV with N subjects, each having X channels/modalities that need to be processed):



  • Channel can be substituted with Modality or Image
  • Label can be substituted with Mask or Segmentation and is used to specify the annotation file for segmentation models
  • For classification/regression, add a column called ValueToPredict. Currently, we are supporting only a single value prediction per model.
  • Only a single Label or ValueToPredict header should be passed
    • Multiple segmentation classes should be in a single file with unique label numbers.
    • Multi-label classification/regression is currently not supported.

Using the gandlf construct-csv command

To make the process of creating the CSV easier, we have provided a gandlf construct-csv command. This script works when the data is arranged in the following format (example shown of the data directory arrangement from the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge):

└───Patient_001 # this is constructed from the ${PatientID} header of CSV
    Patient_001_seg.nii.gz # optional for segmentation tasks
└───Patient_002 # this is constructed from the ${PatientID} header of CSV
    Patient_002_seg.nii.gz # optional for segmentation tasks
└───JaneDoe # this is constructed from the ${PatientID} header of CSV
    randomFileName_0_t1.nii.gz # the string identifier needs to be the same for each modality
    randomFileName_seg.nii.gz # optional for segmentation tasks

The following command shows how the script works:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf construct-csv \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -i $DATA_DIRECTORY # this is the main data directory 
  -c _t1.nii.gz,_t1ce.nii.gz,_t2.nii.gz,_flair.nii.gz \ # an example image identifier for 4 structural brain MR sequences for BraTS, and can be changed based on your data. In the simplest case of a single modality, a ".nii.gz" will suffice
  -l _seg.nii.gz \ # an example label identifier - not needed for regression/classification, and can be changed based on your data
  -o ./experiment_0/train_data.csv # output CSV to be used for training


  • For classification/regression, add a column called ValueToPredict. Currently, we support only a single value prediction per model.
  • SubjectID or PatientName is used to ensure that the randomized split is done per-subject rather than per-image.
  • For data arrangement different to what is described above, a customized script will need to be written to generate the CSV, or you can enter the data manually into the CSV.

Using the gandlf split-csv command

To split the data CSV into training, validation, and testing CSVs, the gandlf split-csv script can be used. The following command shows how the script works:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf split-csv \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -i ./experiment_0/train_data.csv \ # output CSV from the `gandlf construct-csv` script
  -c $gandlf_config \ # the GaNDLF config (in YAML) with the `nested_training` key specified to the folds needed
  -o $output_dir # the output directory to save the split data

Customize the Training

Adapting GaNDLF to your needs boils down to modifying a YAML-based configuration file which controls the parameters of training and inference. Below is a list of available samples for users to start as their baseline for further customization:

To find all the parameters a GaNDLF config may modify, consult the following file: - All available options


Running multiple experiments (optional)

  1. The gandlf config-generator command can be used to generate a grid of configurations for tuning the hyperparameters of a baseline configuration that works for your dataset and problem.
  2. Use a strategy file (example is shown in samples/config_generator_strategy.yaml.
  3. Provide the baseline configuration which has enabled you to successfully train a model for 1 epoch for your dataset and problem at hand (regardless of the efficacy).
  4. Run the following command:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf config-generator \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -c ./samples/config_all_options.yaml \ # baseline configuration
  -s ./samples/config_generator_strategy.yaml \ # strategy file
  -o ./all_experiments/ # output directory
5. For example, to generate 4 configurations that leverage unet and resunet architectures for learning rates of [0.1,0.01], you can use the following strategy file:
    architecture: [unet, resunet],
learning_rate: [0.1, 0.01]

Running GaNDLF (Training/Inference)

You can use the following code snippet to run GaNDLF:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf run \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  # -v, --version      Show program's version number and exit.
  -c ./experiment_0/model.yaml \ # model configuration - needs to be a valid YAML (check syntax using
  -i ./experiment_0/train.csv \ # data in CSV format 
  -m ./experiment_0/model_dir/ \ # model directory (i.e., the `model-dir`) where the output of the training will be stored, created if not present
  --train \ # --train/-t or --infer
  -d cuda # ensure CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env variable is set for GPU device, use 'cpu' for CPU workloads
  # -rt , --reset # [optional] completely resets the previous run by deleting `model-dir`
  # -rm , --resume # [optional] resume previous training by only keeping model dict in `model-dir`

Special notes for Inference for Histology images

  • If you trying to perform inference on pre-extracted patches, please change the modality key in the configuration to rad. This will ensure the histology-specific pipelines are not triggered.
  • However, if you are trying to perform inference on full WSIs, modality should be kept as histo.

Generate Metrics

GaNDLF provides a script to generate metrics after an inference process is done.The script can be used as follows:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf generate-metrics \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  # -v, --version      Show program's version number and exit.
  -c , --config       The configuration file (contains all the information related to the training/inference session)
  -i , --input-data    CSV file that is used to generate the metrics; should contain 3 columns: 'SubjectID,Target,Prediction'
  -o , --output-file   Location to save the output dictionary. If not provided, will print to stdout.

Once you have your CSV in the specific format, you can pass it on to generate the metrics. Here is an example for segmentation:


Similarly, for classification or regression (A, B, C, D are integers for classification and floats for regression):


To generate image to image metrics for synthesis tasks (including for the BraTS synthesis tasks [1, 2]), ensure that the config has problem_type: synthesis, and the CSV can be in the same format as segmentation (note that the Mask column is optional):


Parallelize the Training

Multi-GPU training

GaNDLF enables relatively straightforward multi-GPU training. Simply set the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable to the list of GPUs you want to use, and pass cuda as the device to the gandlf run command. For example, if you want to use GPUs 0, 1, and 2, you would set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2 [ref] and pass -d cuda to the gandlf run command.

Distributed training

Distributed training is a more difficult problem to address, since there are multiple ways to configure a high-performance computing cluster (SLURM, OpenHPC, Kubernetes, and so on). Owing to this discrepancy, we have ensured that GaNDLF allows multiple training jobs to be submitted in relatively straightforward manner using the command line inference of each site’s configuration. Simply populate the parallel_compute_command in the configuration with the specific command to run before the training job, and GaNDLF will use this string to submit the training job.

Expected Output(s)


Once your model is trained, you should see the following output:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> ls ./experiment_0/model_dir/
data_${cohort_type}.csv  # data CSV used for the different cohorts, which can be either training/validation/testing
data_${cohort_type}.pkl  # same as above, but in pickle format
logs_${cohort_type}.csv  # logs for the different cohorts that contain the various metrics, which can be either training/validation/testing
${architecture_name}_best.pth.tar # the best model in native PyTorch format
${architecture_name}_latest.pth.tar # the latest model in native PyTorch format
${architecture_name}_initial.pth.tar # the initial model in native PyTorch format
${architecture_name}_initial.{onnx/xml/bin} # [optional] if ${architecture_name} is supported, the graph-optimized best model in ONNX format
# other files dependent on if training/validation/testing output was enabled in configuration


  • The output of inference will be predictions based on the model that was trained.
  • The predictions will be saved in the same directory as the model if output-dir is not passed to gandlf run.
  • For segmentation, a directory will be created per subject ID in the input CSV.
  • For classification/regression, the predictions will be generated in the output-dir or model-dir as a CSV file.

Plot the final results

After the testing/validation training is finished, GaNDLF enables the collection of all the statistics from the final models for testing and validation datasets and plot them. The gandlf collect-stats command can be used for plotting:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf collect-stats \
  -m /path/to/trained/models \  # directory which contains testing and validation models
  -o ./experiment_0/output_dir_stats/  # output directory to save stats and plot

M3D-CAM usage

The integration of the M3D-CAM library into GaNDLF enables the generation of attention maps for 3D/2D images in the validation epoch for classification and segmentation tasks. To activate M3D-CAM you just need to add the following parameter to the config:

  backend: "gcam",
  layer: "auto"

You can choose one of the following backends:

  • Grad-CAM (gcam)
  • Guided Backpropagation (gbp)
  • Guided Grad-CAM (ggcam)
  • Grad-CAM++ (gcampp)

Optionally one can also change the name of the layer for which the attention maps should be generated. The default behavior is auto which chooses the last convolutional layer.

All generated attention maps can be found in the experiment's output directory. Link to the original repository:

Post-Training Model Optimization

If you have a model previously trained using GaNDLF that you wish to run graph optimizations on, you can use the gandlf optimize-model command to do so. The following command shows how it works:

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf optimize-model \
  -m /path/to/trained/${architecture_name}_best.pth.tar  # directory which contains testing and validation models

If ${architecture_name} is supported, the optimized model will get generated in the model directory, with the name ${architecture_name}_optimized.onnx.


Deploy as a Model

GaNDLF provides the ability to deploy models into easy-to-share, easy-to-use formats -- users of your model do not even need to install GaNDLF. Currently, Docker images are supported (which can be converted to Apptainer/Singularity format). These images meet the MLCube interface. This allows your algorithm to be used in a consistent manner with other machine learning tools.

The resulting image contains your specific version of GaNDLF (including any custom changes you have made) and your trained model and configuration. This ensures that upstream changes to GaNDLF will not break compatibility with your model.

To deploy a model, simply run the gandlf deploy command after training a model. You will need the Docker engine installed to build Docker images. This will create the image and, for MLCubes, generate an MLCube directory complete with an mlcube.yaml specifications file, along with the workspace directory copied from a pre-existing template.

# continue from previous shell
(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf deploy \
  # -h, --help         Show help message and exit
  -c ./experiment_0/model.yaml \ # Configuration to bundle with the model (you can recover it with `gandlf recover-config` first if needed)
  -m ./experiment_0/model_dir/ \ # model directory (i.e., modeldir)
  --target docker \ # the target platform (--help will show all available targets)
  --mlcube-root ./my_new_mlcube_dir \ # Directory containing mlcube.yaml (used to configure your image base)
  -o ./output_dir # Output directory where a  new mlcube.yaml file to be distributed with your image will be created
  --mlcube-type model # deploy as a model MLCube.

Deploy as a Metrics Generator

You can also deploy GaNDLF as a metrics generator (see the Generate Metrics section) as follows:

(venv_gandlf) $> gandlf deploy \
  ## -h, --help         show help message and exit
  --target docker \ # the target platform (--help will show all available targets)
  --mlcube-root ./my_new_mlcube_dir \ # Directory containing mlcube.yaml (used to configure your image base)
  -o ./output_dir # Output directory where a  new mlcube.yaml file to be distributed with your image will be created
  -e ./ # An optional custom script used as an entrypoint for your MLCube
  --mlcube-type metrics # deploy as a metrics MLCube.

The resulting MLCube can be used to calculate any metrics supported in GaNDLF. You can configure which metrics to be calculated by passing a GaNDLF config file when running the MLCube.

For more information about using a custom entrypoint script, see the examples here.

Federating your model using OpenFL

Once you have a model definition, it is easy to perform federated learning using the Open Federated Learning (OpenFL) library. Follow the tutorial in this page to get started.

Federating your model evaluation using MedPerf

Once you have a trained model, you can perform federated evaluation using MedPerf. Follow the tutorial in this page to get started.

Notes: - To create a GaNDLF MLCube, for technical reasons, you need write access to the GaNDLF package. This should be automatic while using a virtual environment that you have set up. See the installation instructions for details. - This needs GaNDLF to be initialized as an MLCube. See the mlcube instructions for details.

Running with Docker

The usage of GaNDLF remains generally the same even from Docker, but there are a few extra considerations.

Once you have pulled the GaNDLF image, it will have a tag, such as cbica/gandlf:latest-cpu. Run the following command to list your images and ensure GaNDLF is present:

(main) $> docker image ls

You can invoke docker run with the appropriate tag to run GaNDLF:

(main) $> docker run -it --rm --name gandlf cbica/gandlf:latest-cpu ${gandlf command and parameters go here!}

Remember that arguments/options for Docker itself go before the image tag, while the command and arguments for GaNDLF go after the image tag. For more details and options, see the Docker run documentation.

However, most commands that require files or directories as input or output will fail, because the container, by default, cannot read or write files on your machine for security considerations. In order to fix this, you need to mount specific locations in the filesystem.

Mounting Input and Output

The container is basically a filesystem of its own. To make your data available to the container, you will need to mount in files and directories. Generally, it is useful to mount at least input directory (as read-only) and an output directory. See the Docker bind mount instructions for more information.

For example, you might run:

(main) $> docker run -it --rm --name gandlf --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_input:/input:ro --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_output:/output cbica/gandlf:latest-cpu [command and args go here]

Remember that the process running in the container only considers the filesystem inside the container, which is structured differently from that of your host machine. Therefore, you will need to give paths relative to the mount point destination. Additionally, any paths used internally by GaNDLF will refer to locations inside the container. This means that data CSVs produced by the gandlf construct-csv command will need to be made from the container and with input in the same locations. Expanding on our last example:

(main) $> docker run -it --rm --name dataprep \
  --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_input:/input:ro \ # input data is mounted as read-only
  --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_output:/output \ # output data is mounted as read-write
  cbica/gandlf:latest-cpu \ # change to appropriate docker image tag
  construct-csv \ # standard construct CSV API starts
  --input-dir /input/data \
  --output-file /output/data.csv \
  --channels-id _t1.nii.gz \
  --label-id _seg.nii.gz

The previous command will generate a data CSV file that you can safely edit outside the container (such as by adding a ValueToPredict column). Then, you can refer to the same file when running again:

(main) $> docker run -it --rm --name training \
  --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_input:/input:ro \ # input data is mounted as read-only
  --volume /home/researcher/gandlf_output:/output \ # output data is mounted as read-write
  cbica/gandlf:latest-cpu \ # change to appropriate docker image tag
  gandlf run --train \ # standard training API starts
  --config /input/config.yml \
  --inputdata /output/data.csv \
  --modeldir /output/model

Special Case for Training

Considering that you want to train on an existing model that is inside the GaNDLF container (such as in an MLCube container created by gandlf deploy), the output will be to a location embedded inside the container. Since you cannot mount something into that spot without overwriting the model, you can instead use the built-in docker cp command to extract the model afterward. For example, you can fine-tune a model on your own data using the following commands as a starting point:

# Run training on your new data
(main) $> docker run --name gandlf_training mlcommons/gandlf-pretrained:0.0.1 -v /my/input/data:/input gandlf run -m /embedded_model/ [...] # Do not include "--rm" option!
# Copy the finetuned model out of the container, to a location on the host
(main) $> docker cp gandlf_training:/embedded_model /home/researcher/extracted_model
# Now you can remove the container to clean up
(main) $> docker rm -f gandlf_training

Enabling GPUs

Some special arguments need to be passed to Docker to enable it to use your GPU. With Docker version > 19.03 You can use docker run --gpus all to expose all GPUs to the container. See the NVIDIA Docker documentation for more details.

If using CUDA, GaNDLF also expects the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to be set. To use the same settings as your host machine, simply add -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to your docker run command. For example:

For example:

(main) $> docker run --gpus all -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES -it --rm --name gandlf cbica/gandlf:latest-cuda113 gandlf run --device cuda [...]

This can be replicated for ROCm for AMD , by following the instructions to set up the ROCm Container Toolkit.


GaNDLF, and GaNDLF-created models, may be distributed as an MLCube. This involves distributing an mlcube.yaml file. That file can be specified when using the MLCube runners. The runner will perform many aspects of configuring your container for you. Currently, only the mlcube_docker runner is supported.

See the MLCube documentation for more details.