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Collective Mind (CM) is a collection of portable, extensible, technology-agnostic and ready-to-use automation recipes with a human-friendly interface (aka CM scripts) to unify and automate all the manual steps required to compose, run, benchmark and optimize complex ML/AI applications on any platform with any software and hardware: see online catalog and source code.

CM scripts require Python 3.7+ with minimal dependencies and are continuously extended by the community and MLCommons members to run natively on Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows, RHEL, Debian, Amazon Linux and any other operating system, in a cloud or inside automatically generated containers while keeping backward compatibility - please don't hesitate to report encountered issues here and contact us via public Discord Server to help this collaborative engineering effort!

CM scripts were originally developed based on the following requirements from the MLCommons members to help them automatically compose and optimize complex MLPerf benchmarks, applications and systems across diverse and continuously changing models, data sets, software and hardware from Nvidia, Intel, AMD, Google, Qualcomm, Amazon and other vendors: * must work out of the box with the default options and without the need to edit some paths, environment variables and configuration files; * must be non-intrusive, easy to debug and must reuse existing user scripts and automation tools (such as cmake, make, ML workflows, python poetry and containers) rather than substituting them; * must have a very simple and human-friendly command line with a Python API and minimal dependencies; * must require minimal or zero learning curve by using plain Python, native scripts, environment variables and simple JSON/YAML descriptions instead of inventing new workflow languages; * must have the same interface to run all automations natively, in a cloud or inside containers.

CM scripts were successfully validated by MLCommons to modularize MLPerf inference benchmarks and help the community automate more than 95% of all performance and power submissions in the v3.1 round across more than 120 system configurations (models, frameworks, hardware) while reducing development and maintenance costs.

For example, you should be able to run the MLPerf inference benchmark on Linux, Windows and MacOS using a few CM commands:

pip install cmind -U

cm pull repo mlcommons@cm4mlops

cm checkout repo mlcommons@cm4mlops --branch=dev
cm checkout repo mlcommons@cm4mlops --branch=master

cm rm cache -f

cm run script "get mlcommons inference src"

cm run script "get generic-python-lib _onnxruntime" --version=1.17.1

cm run script "get ml-model image-classification resnet50 raw _fp32 _onnx"

cm run script "get dataset image-classification imagenet preprocessed _NCHW"

cm show cache

cm run script "run-mlperf-inference _r4.0 _accuracy-only _short" \
   --device=cpu \
   --model=resnet50 \
   --precision=float32 \
   --implementation=reference \
   --backend=onnxruntime \
   --scenario=Offline \
   --clean \
   --quiet \

cm run script "run-mlperf-inference _r4.0 _submission _short" \
   --device=cpu \
   --model=resnet50 \
   --precision=float32 \
   --implementation=reference \
   --backend=onnxruntime \
   --scenario=Offline \
   --clean \
   --quiet \


|  Model   | Scenario | Accuracy |  QPS   | Latency (in ms) | Power Efficiency (in samples/J) |
| resnet50 | Offline  |   80.0   | 27.371 |        -        |                                 |

The MLPerf inference results are stored at /home/gfursin/CM/repos/local/cache/a504fb143e97452f/test_results

Path to the MLPerf inference benchmark reference sources: /home/gfursin/CM/repos/local/cache/8061c243b8b54a3b/inference
Path to the MLPerf inference reference configuration file: /home/gfursin/CM/repos/local/cache/8061c243b8b54a3b/inference/mlperf.conf

You can also run the same commands using a unified CM Python API:

import cmind
   'action':'run', 'automation':'script',
if output['return']==0: print (output)

We suggest you to use this online CM interface to generate CM commands that will prepare and run MLPerf benchmarks and AI applications across different platforms.

See more examples of CM scripts and workflows to download Stable Diffusion, GPT-J and LLAMA2 models, process datasets, install tools and compose AI applications:

pip install cmind -U

cm pull repo mlcommons@cm4mlops

cm run script "python app image-classification onnx"
cmr "python app image-classification onnx"

cmr "download file _wget" --url= --verify=no --env.CM_DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM=45ae5c940233892c2f860efdf0b66e7e
cmr "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg
cmr "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg --debug

cm find script "python app image-classification onnx"
cm load script "python app image-classification onnx" --yaml

cmr "get python" --version_min=3.8.0 --name=mlperf-experiments
cmr "install python-venv" --version_max=3.10.11 --name=mlperf

cmr "get ml-model stable-diffusion"
cmr "get ml-model sdxl _fp16 _rclone"
cmr "get ml-model huggingface zoo _model-stub.alpindale/Llama-2-13b-ONNX" --model_filename=FP32/LlamaV2_13B_float32.onnx --skip_cache
cmr "get dataset coco _val _2014"
cmr "get dataset openimages" -j

cm show cache
cm show cache "get ml-model stable-diffusion"

cmr "get generic-python-lib _package.onnxruntime" --version_min=1.16.0
cmr "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg

cm rm cache -f
cmr "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg --adr.onnxruntime.version_max=1.16.0

cmr "get cuda" --version_min=12.0.0 --version_max=12.3.1
cmr "python app image-classification onnx _cuda" --input=computer_mouse.jpg

cm gui script "python app image-classification onnx"

cm docker script "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg
cm docker script "python app image-classification onnx" --input=computer_mouse.jpg -j -docker_it

cm docker script "get coco dataset _val _2017" --to=d:\Downloads\COCO-2017-val --store=d:\Downloads --docker_cm_repo=ctuning@mlcommons-ck

cmr "run common mlperf inference" --implementation=nvidia --model=bert-99 --category=datacenter --division=closed
cm find script "run common mlperf inference"

cmr "get generic-python-lib _package.torch" --version=2.1.2
cmr "get generic-python-lib _package.torchvision" --version=0.16.2
cmr "python app image-classification torch" --input=computer_mouse.jpg

cm rm repo mlcommons@cm4mlops
cm pull repo --url=

cmr "install llvm prebuilt" --version=17.0.6
cmr "app image corner-detection"

cm run experiment --tags=tuning,experiment,batch_size -- echo --batch_size={{VAR1{range(1,8)}}}

cm replay experiment --tags=tuning,experiment,batch_size

cmr "get conda"

cm pull repo ctuning@cm4research
cmr "reproduce paper micro-2023 victima _install_deps"
cmr "reproduce paper micro-2023 victima _run" 

See a few examples of modular containers and GitHub actions with CM commands:

Please check the Getting Started Guide to understand how CM automation recipes work, how to use them to automate your own projects, and how to implement and share new automations in your public or private projects.


We plan to rewrite and simplify the CM documentation and tutorials based on user feedback in Q2 2024 - please stay tuned for more details.


Apache 2.0

2022-2024 MLCommons

Get in touch

Collective Mind workflow automation framework and Collective Knowledge Playground are being developed by the MLCommons Task Force on Automation and Reproducibility as a community effort. Volunteers are very welcome to help with this community project!


CK and CM are community projects based on the feedback from our users and MLCommons members. We would like to thank all collaborators and contributors for their support, fruitful discussions, and useful feedback!