CMX commands (automation actions) applicable to all artifacts
CMX command line
$ cmx {action} {automation} [CMX options] [CMX automation action flags]
CMX options have format -key=value or -key (value=True)
CMX automation flags have format --key=value or --key (value=True)
Common actions for all artifacts and automations (cmx -h
* find
automation (artifact) - find artifacts based on alias, UID and tags
* load
automation (artifact) - load metadata of a give artifact referenced either by alias or UID or alias,UID or --tags
* update
automation (artifact) - update metadata of a given artifact
* add
automation (artifact) - add new artifact
* rm
automation (artifact) - remove artifact(s)
* mv
automation (repo:)artifact (new_repo:)new_artifact - rename artifact or move to another CMX repository
* copy
automation (repo:)artifact (new repo:)new_artifact - copy artifact to another repository with a new UID
* help
automation - print available actions for a given automation
You can add -h to above actions to see related flags for a given automation action
These actions are inherited by all CMX automations from this CMX Automation Class.
Default automations
When you install CMX/CM, you have the following automations
available by default inside the default
repository embedded in cmind package:
- core CMX automations such as generating UIDrepo
- CMX automations to manage CMX repositories (pull, rm, pack ...)automation
- CMX automation to manage automations (add, rm, mv ...
You can list all pulled repositories as follows:
cmx find repo
You can also show extra information about repositories as follows:
cmx show repo
You can list all available automations as follows:
cmx find {automation}
You can list available actions for a given automation as follows:
cmx help {automation}
You can list available flags for a given automation action as follows:
cmx {action} {automation} -h
Python API
CMX provides a simple Python JSON API to manage artifacts, automations and metadata that converts above command line into 1 call with a unified Dictionary input and Dictionary output:
import cmind
r = cmind.x({'action':'my action',
'automation':'my automation',
if r['return']>0: handle error in r['error']