CK/CM/CMX motivation
To learn more about the concepts and motivation behind this project, please explore the following articles and presentations:
- HPCA'25 article "MLPerf Power: Benchmarking the Energy Efficiency of Machine Learning Systems from Microwatts to Megawatts for Sustainable AI": [ Arxiv ], [ tutorial to reproduce results using CM/CMX ]
- "Enabling more efficient and cost-effective AI/ML systems with Collective Mind, virtualized MLOps, MLPerf, Collective Knowledge Playground and reproducible optimization tournaments": [ ArXiv ]
- ACM REP'23 keynote about the MLCommons CM automation framework: [ slides ]
- ACM TechTalk'21 about Collective Knowledge project: [ YouTube ] [ slides ]
- Journal of Royal Society'20: [ paper ]
You are welcome to contact the author to discuss long-term plans and potential collaboration.