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CM command line interface

One of the main goals of the CM language is to provide a common, unified and human-readable CLI to access all software repositories shared in the CM format.


The idea is to unify all shared READMEs, containers and Jupyter notebooks with CM commands to to make it easier for the community to run software projects and reuse individual automations across continuously changing software, hardware and data.

Here is format of a unified CM command line to run any reusable automation action from any software project on Linux, Windows and MacOS:

cm {action} {automation alias | UID | alias,UID} 
  ({artifact name(s) | sub-action | argument}) 
  (--flag1=value1) (--flag2.key2=value2) (--flag3,=value3,value4) (--flag4)
  (@input.json | @input.yaml)
  (-- extra CMD)

First, CM will parse CM CLI into a unified CM input dictionary:

  "action":"automation action",
  "automation":"automation alias | UID | alias,UID",

  "artifact":{above artifact name or sub-action},

  "unparsed_cmd": [
    list of strings in extra CMD

When a user specify one or more input files with @ prefix, they will be loaded and merged with the CM input in the same order as in command line.

CM will then call a unified CM Python "access" function with this input dictionary to perform some automation action.

It is equivalent to using CM Python API except that CM will be in interactive mode. You can add a flag --out=json to print the output dictionary at the end of an automation action invoked via CLI.

You can test the CM interface using the following automation action that simply prints the unified CM input dictionary:

cm print-input automation artifact1 artifact2 --flag1=value1 --flag2 -- something


cm help
cm {common automation action}
cm {common automation action} --help
cm {automation action} {automation}
cm {automation action} {automation} --help
cm {automation action} {automation} {artifact}
cm {automation action} {automation} {artifact} {artifact2} {artifact3} ...
cm {automation action} {automation} {artifact} --test --meta.a=b @input.json @input.yaml

The command line arguments are converted into a unified CM dictionary using this function.

Flags are converted to the dictionary keys and their argument to the string value.

If a flag doesn't have an argument, CM will use boolean value "true".

If a flag has ".", it will be treated as dictionary with multiple subkeys separated by ".".

If a flag ends with ",", tis argument will be treated as a list of values separated by ",".

The CM dictionary is then passed to the unified CM "access" function similar to micro-services and REST API.

Understanding CM names

The {artifact} has the following format:

  • "artifact alias" (str): may change in the future
  • "artifact UID" (16 lowercase hex digits): the same since the creation of the artifact
  • "alias,UID": in such case, UID is used to search for an artifact or automation while alias is used as a user-friendly reminder

It is possible to reference an artifact in a specific CM repository as follows:

  • "repo alias:artifact"
  • "repo UID:artifact"
  • "repo alias,repo UID:artifact"

Note that automation has the same format as an artifact and is stored as a CM artifact in the CM repositories in the "automation" directory.

CM repository also has the same format as an artifact: alias | UID | alias,UID.

Using CM CLI inside a CM repository

If you are inside a CM repository, you can use "." to tell CM to detect a repository, automation and artifact in the current directory to avoid writing the names explicitly in the command line.

For example, you can add a new artifact in the current repository as following:

cm add {some automation} .:{some artifact}

or if you are inside a directory with CM automations, you can use the following:

cm add . {some artifact}

CM automations

CM automations are kept as CM artifacts in "automation" directories (see this example).

You can add a new automation as follows:

cm add automation {new automation name}

A related CM artifact will be created in the "local" CM repository. You can create it in the other CM repository as follows:

cm add automation {target CM repository}:{new automation name}

You can also move the new automation from local repository to the existing one as follows:

cm move automation local:{new automation name} {target CM repository}:

The automation artifact has a Python that implements automation actions:

ls `cm find automation {new automation name}`

By default, it has a "test" action that prints the input dictionary that is aggregated from the CM CLI. It helps you understand the CM CLI and how it is converted into a unified input dictionary.

You can add a new function "new_action" in a similar way as "test" to make it a new automation action that can be invoked from the command line as follows:

cm new_action {new automation name} ...
cm new-action {new automation name} ...

CM common automation actions

All CM automations inherit common database function from this Automation class.


Add new artifact:

cm add automation (repo:)artifact

API: CM docs


Remove artifact:

cm delete automation (repo:)artifact
cm rm automation (repo:)artifact
cm remove automation (repo:)artifact

API: CM docs


Find artifact(s):

cm find automation (repo:)artifact(s) (--tags=tag1,tag2,...)
cm search automation (repo:)artifact(s)
cm ls automation (repo:)artifact(s)

You can use wildcards.

You can also list all available artifacts in all repositories as follows:

cm find * *

You can find all artifact in the current repository as follows:

cm find .

API: CM docs


Load artifact meta description:

cm load automation (repo:)artifact
API: CM docs


Load artifact meta description:

cm update automation (repo:)artifact --meta.{key}={value} (@input.json) (@input.yaml)

API: CM docs


Rename or move artifacts:

cm move automation src-artifact (new repo:)target-artifact

API: CM docs

CM internal automations


This automation deals with CM repositories. You can list available actions in this automation as follows:

cm help repo

You can get an API/CLI for a specific automation as follows:

cm init repo --help


This automation helps you to add new automations as follows:

cm add automation {new-automation}


This automation has some common actions for the CM core including "test":

cm help core

For example, you can test the CM as follows:

cm test core