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Power Measurement

Originally Prepared by the MLCommons taskforce on automation and reproducibility and OctoML.


  1. Power analyzer (anyone certified by SPEC PTDaemon). Yokogawa is the one that most submitters have submitted with and a new single-channel model like 310E can cost around 3000$.

  2. SPEC PTDaemon (can be downloaded from here after signing the EULA which can be requested by sending an email to Once you have GitHub access to the MLCommons power repository then the MLC workflow will automatically download and configure the SPEC PTDaemon tool.

  3. Access to the MLCommons power-dev repository which has the to be run on the director node and to be run on the SUT node. This repository being public will be automatically pulled by the MLC workflow.

Connecting power analyzer to the computer

We need to connect the power analyzer to a director machine via USB if the director machine is running Linux. Ethernet and serial modes are supported only on Windows. The power supply to the SUT is done through the power analyzer (current in series and voltage in parallel). An adapter like this can help avoid cutting the electrical wires.

pages (14).

The director machine runs the script and loads a server process that communicates with the SPEC PTDaemon. When a client connects to it (using, it in turn connects to the PTDaemon and initiates a measurement run. Once the measurement ends, the power log files are transferred to the client.

Ranging mode and Testing mode

Power analyzers usually have different current and voltage ranges it supports and the exact ranges to be used depends on a given SUT and this needs some empirical data. We can do a ranging run where the current and voltage ranges are set to Auto and the power analyzer automatically figures out the correct ranges needed. These determined ranges are then used for a proper testing mode run. Using the 'auto' mode in a testing run is not allowed as it can mess up the measurements.

Start Power Server (Power analyzer should be connected to this computer and PTDaemon runs here)

If you are having GitHub access to MLCommons power repository, PTDaemon should be automatically installed using the below MLC command:

PS: The below command will ask for sudo permission on Linux and should be run with administrator privilege on Windows (to do NTP time sync).

mlcr mlperf,power,server --device_type=49 --device_port=/dev/usbtmc0
* `--interface_flag="-U" and--device_port=1(can change as per the USB slot used for connecting) can be used on Windows for USB connection *--device_type=49corresponds to Yokogawa 310E andptd -hshould list the device_type for all supported devices. The location ofptdcan be found using the below command *--device_port=20and--interface_flag="-g" can be used to connect to GPIB interface (currently supported only on Windows) with the serial address set to 20
cat `mlc find cache --tags=get,spec,ptdaemon`/mlc-cached-state.json

An example analyzer configuration file

ntpserver =
listen = 4950

ptd = C:\Users\arjun\CM\repos\local\cache\5a0a52d578724774\repo\PTD\binaries\ptd-windows-x86.exe
analyzerCount = 2
interfaceflag = -g
devicetype = 8
deviceport = 20
networkport = 8888

interfaceflag = -y
devicetype = 49
deviceport = C3YD21068E
networkport = 8889

Running the power server inside a docker container

mlc docker script --tags=run,mlperf,power,server --docker_gh_token=<GITHUB AUTH_TOKEN> \
* Device address may need to be changed depending on the USB port being used * The above command uses a host-container port mapping 4950:4950 which can be changed by using --docker_port_maps,=4950:4950

Running a dummy workload with power (on host machine)

mlcr mlperf,power,client --power_server=<POWER_SERVER_IP> 

Run a dummy workload with power inside a docker container

mlc docker script --tags==mlperf,power,client --power_server=<POWER_SERVER_IP>"

Running MLPerf Image Classification with power

mlcr app,mlperf,inference,_reference,_power,_resnet50,_onnxruntime,_cpu --mode=performance --power_server=<POWER_SERVER_IP>

Running MLPerf Image Classification with power inside a docker container

mlcr app,mlperf,inference,_reference,_power,_resnet50,_onnxruntime,_cpu --mode=performance --power_server=<POWER_SERVER_IP> --docker